Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kalaripayatu n its Health Benefits

Training methods of kalaripayattu like the way of lifting legs, body postures, different kind of body movements which needs greater flexibility and flow of body helps to systemize the flow of energy in the body and also helps to shed the unwanted weights.its all differ from other art. About the criterias would say the person should be above 7yrs,apart from this he/she should have great respect and interest towards art and the foremost thing believe in yourself.
Kalaripayattu enhances your strength,energy,flexibility,levels of endurance,accordingly your body and mind start to become more balanced. it brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation. It boosts stamina ,functioning of the immune system, It bestows greater power of concentration, self control, enhances posture and muscle tone and also helps to improve blood circulation. All these benefits bring change in people to their whole body along with the loose of unwanted weights. No any particular diet to follow. The basic leg movement exercise and different kind of body postures, which is most effective to increase their stamina,flexibility,postures like Gaja vadivu,Simha vadivu,Ashwa vadivu etc more help to tone their body posture also. Practicising the various items in kalaripayattu and training in the methods of defence and attacks with the traditional weapons used in the kalari, would enhance physical fitness and cultivate abilities like absolute physical control ,endowing unbelievable speed in physical movements,leaps and jumps and also would help the trainee achieve perfect neuro muscular co-ordination.We me and my Guru Mr.Belrajsoni have been promoting this art to other fields of art its usage,its benefits,how does it help in their field for classical dancers, contemperory dancers, actors,theatreactors,models,sportsperson.other peoples etc. We always says learn kalaripayattu and feel the difference,to be more fit and flexible.

so Be fit n flexible